We’ve all been affected by the notorious virus in one way or another. Some businesses we able to pivot and quickly react, while others haven’t been so lucky.
BigWater was one of the fortunate ones! We’ve been in a state of preparation for our big product launch for some time, and while it wasn’t as glorious as we had hoped, we were still able to make sales and get our first SmartMatz™ into the hands of homeowners.
So what was the biggest change we had to make?
It’s probably very similar to most, in that we did everything via phone, email, and social distancing! And a lot of sanitizing. See photo.
We had done quite a bit of legwork to ensure we had customers waiting for the day SmartMatz™ would be ready to launch, and when that day came, we had sales almost immediately!
When the virus broke out in Oregon and everyone darted into their home offices (us included) we certainly had some fear about what the future might hold for our humble startup. But due to the hard work we put in over the previous year we were pleasantly (not so) surprised when the launch rolled out smoothly. Or as smoothly as one can expect!
If you would like to participate in beta testing of the SmartMatz™ contact us at Info@BigWater.Tech